Michel Food Consulting

Phone: 07 04 15 15 13
Fax: 07 04 14 04 77
Cobbenhagenstraat 22,
2288 ET Rijswijk.

our careers:

At Michel, you will find all the functions related to the universe of french gastronomy. We offer you to be part of a passionning, dynamics, and fast growing up company. At Michel, day after day, personal investment and cheerfulness are fostering, the excellence of our products.
You will find an united team composed of bakers, pastries chef and sellers who are sharing the same passion.

We are always gratful to discover your applications. This is the reason why we invite you to contact us spontaneously at the following address: info@michelfood.nl

We will examine your profile and demand with the deeper attention. The practice of French and/or Dutch is an advantage.

Thank you.